Monday, July 2, 2012

How on EARTH do we do it all?

During my second pregnancy, I often wondered how it would be possible to love another child as much as I loved my one and only son.

After I gave birth to my daughter, I wondered if I was ever going to be able to take care of 2 little ones and give them each the same amount of love and attention that they so rightfully deserved.

When I had 3 kids under the age of 3, I thought that things could not possibly get anymore challenging, and how was I going to get through this.

And now, when people come over to my house and see 5 (homeschooled) little ones running around wearing clean clothes (most of the time), are fed 3 healthy meals a day, have clean linen to sleep in and a somewhat clean house, I am constantly asked, "How on EARTH do you do it all???"

There are so many scientific studies on how different men's and women's brains work and how differently we think and handle tasks. But when we look into our Torah, it is so clear to see how Hashem gave us women the strength to love beyond reason. He gave us the strength to love our families so much that we often forget about ourselves just to make sure everyone else is taken care of. That's just who we are. It's not about science.

Hashem, in all His Greatness, created us women to be able to do just that. 

Being a mother is the most empowering thing in the world. To do a 'job' that requires SO much of us, and we all know how much it takes. And what do we get in return? Money? A medal or reward? A "thanks mom for staying up with me all night while I threw up all over you" from your 5 year old? So why on earth would we invest all our time and energy and put our whole self into something when we don't get something back in return? (and I know some of you are thinking, 'you get happy awesome kids who love you in return' which is wonderful and all, but that is not the reason why we do this...)

We do this because we are women, we are mothers, and it is all done out of LOVE. 
A love that is so strong, that we don't need anything in return. 

L'Chaim to all you awesome women and moms out there. 
You all seriously ROCK.

Have a good one, 

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